
"You may not like me, but you better vote for me" D.J. Trump

© Fox News
"God has had his hand on President Trump
from the time he came down the escalator."
Newt Gingrich



Those that forget History
are Doomed to repeat it.

Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941

Cuban Missile Crisis
October 22, 1962 

World Trade Center,
September 11, 2001

Election Day, November 3, 2020
Communist try to take over.

October 7, 2023
HAMAS invades Israel


  People who live in fear
  are Easily Controlled.

Test Your Mask


An additional 350,000 children unaccounted for, sold into sex slavery!
All these illegal immigrants in America now. I did that! More to come!


Judge Joe Brown
Judge Joe Brown of California knows Harris personally.
He has inside information about her that you need to know!

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Less White People
Mass Migration, New World Order
America is following suite.
Michigan is good example. 
Good Ole Boys


It's up to God, the true Americans, and the Supreme Court!





Mega Bear


Just In



Iron Dome Demonstration
Sound up, but not too loud.


       Also known as Tampon Ted 

This name was given to Walz by Florida
Governor DeSantis because Walz has
passed a Minnesota school law that
Tampon dispensers be installed in Boys
school bathrooms for Queer Beer girls.

    God help us if they are elected.

Illegal Migrants Drivers License
Are you kidding me??

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From the River to the Sea,
Murderess Palestine's are not to be.

Black Olives Matter. 

(Just saying)

What Generals Think!           Generals

I will bless those who bless Israel. Genesis 12:3

Fake President Biden and fake Vice President
     Harris did not attend or comment on.
100,000 Patriotic Americans standing for Israel!  November 14, 2023

In the beginning God expelled the Evil in heaven by exterminating
the sinful and malicious enemy. Israel is doing the same now!



Biden and Obama Destroying America

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Larry                                  Moe                            Curly Joe












With the possibility of the start of WW III, we need this patriot back NOW!!
HAMAS and IRAN need to be leveled without hesitation! We may be next!
The FBI and DOJ must be restored to its previous honorable status!
With fake President Biden's open border policy, many HAMAS
and ISIS terrorist have entered our country undetected.

       Sound of Communism
This video is a political advertisement,
but worthy to watch as a true American.

America may be lost; Criminal court system sides with Communism!
Biden crime family immune to prosecution.

Bidens "Great Depression of 2023-2024 Mass Inflation Act"
Debt ceiling now at 35 TRILLION and climbing.
Every 100 days the National debt increases One Trillion $$ more!
Your dollar will now be less 6 percent per year!
Medicare and Social Security gone by 2035.
The new axis of evil. China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.

Psychopathic, lying, angry, bitter old man!
+ Mass credit card bankruptcies.
+ Mass home mortgage bankruptcies.
+ Mass auto repossessions for non payment.
+ IRS agents (Gestapo) cause massive tax law suits.
+ More than 15% unemployment.
+ IRA's decimated.
+ Social Security greatly reduced.
+ Stock market crashes (1930's).
+ Cheeseburger and fries $18.50
Bidens Fall Just like the coming of our country's economy.


Bean Sprout ? New Comers ?The ElderlyWe Remain Silent


While the fake president is basically a puppet,
Obama and the Communist Democratic Party
are still trying to destroy America.





Starter Gun: "Get ready, get set, GO!!
End of title 42.

"Like a snake bite, the blood of America has been infected"
Future President Trump

"Islam is to the human body as rabies is to a dog"
Winston Churchill


"Hamas thrives on death"
Pastor John Hagee 

Webmaster: The above picture was taken October 7, 2023 showing the blood of a baby being murdered in front of the parents. We have found several other worse pictures, but cannot shown them. HAMAS is Satan's right hand and must be eliminated. Copy this picture and give it to the protesters.






Biden's first class of IRSS Gestapo agents.
They are coming for you! The first three thousand have been hired.
Thousands more will be hired!

EDITORIAL: The fake president has weaponised the DOJ, the FBI, the judicial system, and now the IRSS. The IRSS has hired many more democratic out of work people to go after honest low income true Americans to help pay for the coming collapse of our economy. We offer the following two (2) suggestions for your consideration.
1. Do not do your own taxes using downloaded tax programs. They are not one hundred percent accurate and can cause you to be audited and or given huge tax bills after you file.
2. Use a tax attorney that can be found online in your area. It's better to pay a few hundred dollars, rather than thousands of dollars later.
3. If you are audited or sent a tax notice, do not panic. That's exactly what they want you to do. Go to this link: AMAZON and purchase a book on how to respond to the tax inquiry. Many of the books were written by former agents themselves.




Brute forces are loose in the world.
We live in a demon haunted world.


  "I told you so!"   Never Give Up  
video clips
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Eighty million True American's will never unite with the
leftist Communist Democrats and the fake puppet President.


Inside Islam       Nuclear Iran        "Come On Man"     
  Trump's speech August 21, 2017   How we make America Great Again!
The Biden Family (A musical)      Bidenology 2022     
Miss You  Hunter's in the BasementBye Bye Biden ▼(Featured Videos)▼
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The Dog Torturer        Biden and His Good Friends       Wuhan Virus Exposed

This website is presented and designed for Duty, Honor, and Love of Country.


This site is not for everyone. If you are an easily controlled person that let government and other organizations control you, then move on. If you reject mind control methods and are true Americans, then this is the place for you. Unlike the big Communistic social media's, we do not censor your ideas or beliefs. Big Communistic social media's censor your beliefs like Hitler did, and Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (Red China) do now. We believe in the first amendment as true Americans. We will not censor your remarks as long as you provide a legitimate e-mail address.



President Trump did it!
So long Communist Social Media!
President Trump's Website

Trumps Face Book Banned Ad
No Communist censorship here!

Communism in America

Lets start with Obama, not born in America, and the baby killer, putrid Hilary and her rapist husband who mock the Judeo Christian way of life. Both the Clinton's and the Obama's lost their license to practice law in their states. In order to lose a license to practice law permanently, one has to be beyond unethical and perverse. Yet, for awhile, many Americans voted for them as meandering mindless people in search of leadership. This happened once before in Germany.
It's happing now in America!

Putrid anti Americans stand on our precious flag as our legitimate President stands in prayer.

Available from Amazon

If you don't understand what Communism is,
this book will enlighten and give you cause to
understand what is happening to our country.

Get your copy now before it is banned.

For those of you that don't have the time to read, click on the 8 minute, thirty second video about Communism in America.

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Communism in America

MIT                     U of Pennsylvania       Harvard
Three college Presidents that also hate the Jews.

The Four Hoes of the Apocalypse.
Their motto: "Death to America"

Extreme hate of the Jews. Supports Hamas and Iran.

Bad news for them; America
restocked Iron Dome to Israel.
(One thing Biden's done right.)



FBI agents feel through the former First Ladies underclothes and dresses looking for top secret nuclear documents at her Mar-a-Lago home. Just like the storm troopers did in Nazi Germany.



Our Possibly Doomed Country under Communist fake President Biden

As each of the below sixty two (62) events happen, the event will be shown in RED to indicate the event happened as forecast.

+ Attempt to shutdown our country.
+ Communist Red China Virus expands.
+ Mandatory warring of masks. (Biden)

+ Mandatory testing and virus inoculation.
+ TSA will require proof of inoculation to fly.
+ ALL medical records check for inoculation. 
+ Near collapse of our economy.
+ Run on most banks as many collapse.
+ Runaway inflation.
+ Possible devaluation of our currency.
+ Stock market plunges.
+ 401K's greatly reduced.
+ Home values plummet to below former worth.
+ Mass credit card bankruptcies.
+ Mass home mortgage bankruptcies.
+ Mass auto repossessions for non payment.
+ Rampant unemployment.
+ Mandatory attempted confiscation of guns.
+ Personal income tax increase.
+ Out of control gasoline price increase.
+ Closed schools and places of worship.
+ Reduction of our Military (similar to Obama).
+ Trade restrictions with China removed.
+ Rejoining the futile Paris Accord.
+ Rejoining the putrid Iran Nuclear agreement.
+ XL oil pipeline shut down.
+ Biden encourages Russian pipeline.

+ Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons.
+ Guantanamo Terrorist prisoners released.
+ The southern border wall stops construction.
+ Mass migration of criminal immigrants.
+ M-13 gangs will proliferate. 
+ North Korea develops long range missiles.
+ Mass riots without a will to stop them.
+ Red China invades Taiwan.
+ Defriending Israel, encouraging their enemies.
+ Oil production and coal mining reduced.
+ Widespread corruption in the government.
+ Washington DC swamp turns into a cesspool.
+ Medical costs exceed ability to pay.
+ Reinstating Obama care with penalty.
+ Social Security funds reduced to low level.
+ Abortion clinics given unlimited funds.
+ Social media sites will control the news.
+ Communism will overpower the country.
+ National murder rate will double. (started)
+ Police officers will diminish ranks.
+ Hatred for one another will proliferate.
+ Mass hysteria will overcome most people.
+ Puerto Rico will become another state.
+ Washington D.C. will be another state.
+ The Supreme Court will have more judges.
+ California will secede from the USA.
+ NASA Space programs will be reduced.
+ Your Grandchildren will suffer despair.
+ Pro Trump supporters banned from internet.
+ Biden protects Hunter from the FBI and DOJ.
+ Biden will pardon Hunter if convicted.
+ Nuclear launch codes via Biden's dementia.
+ Biden's dementia worsens, Harris resumes.
+ Future same as Venezuela.
We missed this one: Lost the war with Afghanistan! Biden the traitor!

Fake President with his handler.


Do you remember what Russia's Khrushchev said in 1959?

"Remember, socialism leads to Communism."

So, how do you create a Socialist State?
There are 8 levels of control. Read the following recipe:
1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people. (Reinstate Obama care.)
2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible. Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them. (Runaway inflation makes poor people poorer.)
3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. (Absurd 3.5 trillion infrastructure bill defeated, but uncontrolled spending is top priority of Biden.)
4) Gun Control - Remove the ability of people to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state. (2nd Amendment before the Supreme court this year.)
5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government. (Why go to work; instead receive government funds.)
6) Education - Take control of what people read and listen to. Take control of what children learn in school. (Teach critical race theory without parental approval.)
7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from government and schools because the people need to believe that ONLY the government knows what is best. (Remove "In GOD We Trust" from certified documents and currency.)
8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor.  Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor. (Allow illegal immigrants into our country to increase more poor people.)

Sounds like Joe Biden's agenda to me so far.
What do you think ?

You should also take note that during the Kennedy administration Nikita Khrushchev told our ambassador at a United Nations  conference “You won’t need Russia to destroy you.  You will destroy yourself from within.” And so we have our destroyers in the name of the Democratic party.


A perfect parallel to the radical Democrat / Liberal agenda!


 Department of Injustice?
Federal Bureau of Injustice?

DOJ is now after President Trump for past declassified papers. FBI refuses investigating both Biden's for Communist Red China and Ukraine criminal activity!  Why is the DOJ and FBI not investigating both Biden's for Red China and Ukrainian money transactions?

Communist conspiracy in action? YES!

Not to fear, the FBI is now coming after parents that care about what their children are taught. Just like the start of Nazism!






Now over 1200 plus memes sent by YOU, True Americans, via e-mail, attached pictures, videos, and caricatures. A special thanks to Tic Toc, a Red Chinese company. We do not contribute to Tic Toc as they read and store all data and information sent to them for further use, just like the other
U.S. based social medias. The files we have received from Tic Toc are from true American Patriots! Some of the posts are over two (2) years old, but still timely.


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Fair use is the use of limited amounts of copyrighted material in such a way as to not be an infringement. It is codified at 17 U.S.C. & 107, and states that "the fair use of a copyrighted work ... is not an infringement of copyright."


Updated the week of October 9, 2024

120 Subjects Covered

Latest Update's    

President Trump

Why people hate Trump

Vote President Trump

Vote Communist Harris

Fake President (Biden)


Harris Resume Caution



 Ho Ho Harris

Tampon Tim Walz

Unpublished Books


Muslim Heritage (Obama)

It is Finished


Global Day Of Jihad

Palestine Children

Biden Crime Family

Mentally Ill

Islam Phobia

Inside Islam


American Traitors

Start of WW III

 Dr. Doom (Fauci)

Unhappy Muslims


 Professional Sports

The Clintons

Gaza Graduation

Tree Huggers
(Save the Planet)

 Electric Cars

 Stress Relief

Mystery of the Jews

Gun Control

Who Hates Who

View on Life

Mind Control

Earth Plus

 The Un-Supreme Court

Life in Los Angeles

Life in New York

For True Americans Only



White Privilege

Prevent Phone Spammers

The Marines

I Can't Breath

Defining Words

 USAF Singing Sergeants


Who's Responsible?

Schiff, Pelosi, Walters

Argentina: Americas Future

Defund the Police

Persevere in Life


Politically Correct

Wuhan Virus Start


The Hateful Eight

Racism in America

Duck and Cover

Movie Star Ministries

Foreign Aide

 In God we Trust

Social Security Exposed

Senator Kennedy


Washington Swamp

Gender Coding

We the People

 American Pie

Ragged Old Flag

Who's Side is God On?

Life in America Now

Just Asking

Bidens Border Crossing

Wokeness ??


Your Right to Privacy

Illegal Voters


 How to speak Bidonese

Circle of Friends

Greatest Generation

Election Fraud

Analysis of our Times

Modern History

Big Brother

Big Pharma

Fact Checker

U.S. Death Rates



Life After Death Red China Virus


Nuclear Launch Codes

Black Lives Matter

Pro Life

Abortion Caution 

Climate Mania

Wearing Masks

Bomb in the Senate

News Media

Must Read Books


Montana TIC TOC

Three Angels


Meet the Biden Family

The False Prophet

Titanic America

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