
Communist Red China Virus

Those that forget History
are Doomed to repeat it.

Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941

Cuban Missile Crisis
October 22, 1962 

World Trade Center,
September 11, 2001

Election Day, November 3, 2020
Communist try to take over.

October 7, 2023
HAMAS invades Israel


  People who live in fear
  are Easily Controlled.

Wearing a mask does this to your body.

Increases your blood pressure.
Increases your heart rate.
Lowers resistance to infections.
Lowers your body Oxygen level.
Virus still enters through eyes.
Totally useless.










Seriously though.
Is history about to repeat itself?
Advice: Don't be in a hurry to get your shot.





You mean that the vaccinations are not SAFE?



How can it be higher if you don't get the shot?



Big Pharma making over a trillion dollars now adds booster shots annually.
Their present vaccines may only last a few months and are only 80% effective.



At least once a year for the rest of your life!



From: Candace Owens

The COVID-19 vaccines were NEVER effective… and now, we have cold, hard proof:

  • New data shows the Pfizer vaccine is only 45% effective after 6 months… against any COVID-19 variant.
  • A leaked video shows a top Pfizer scientist admitting that vaccines are vastly inferior compared to natural immunity,
  • Sweden halted Moderna shots for people under 30 because it causes major heart problems,
  • U.S. COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing to their highest peaks EVER… even though the majority of Americans have been vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the Left is ignoring the science to create a tyrannical apartheid state…

…where anyone who dares to question their authority is fired from their jobsstripped of their freedom of movementdenied healthcare, and barred from participating in society.

This only ends in one of two ways, Friend. Either the far-Left wins their war on America… or patriots like you and me do.







Two videos to watch.

Does it hurt to get the shot?

Is there an alternative to the publicized shots?

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