People who live in fear
Welcome to Psychology 201: Abnormal PsychologyThe dictionary definition of hate is intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, sense of injury, extreme dislike or disgust. Where does this hate come from?Enter Dr. Sigmund Freud. In his original thesis about the mind, he mentions that we all have a part of our mind called the ID. This part of our mind is the monster that wants to ravage and control other minds to the point of their submission. Criminals driven by their ID are rapist, thieves, murderers and pedophiles.In bible texts, Satan hated God with a fury beyond description or understanding. Hitler hated the Jews with a similar fury. Many politicians, celebrities, and business people have similar hate toward President Trump. Their intense hate comes from their ID. Some studies suggest that the lower their IQ, the more intense their hate. This becomes obvious when politicians, celebrities, and business people want to destroy the President by fabricated accusations without proof.Most people control this "monster" and live peaceful lives, with an occasional anger outburst. Another reason others hate President Trump is because they can never accomplish what this man did in ten life times. The President's IQ is that of Freud and Einstein. His name will go down in history and will be remembered through the many centuries of time and history.The hateful few that have attempted to topple the President will be but a lost memory.
Traitors to the Cause▼These people were allegedly at one time friends and allies of President Trump. Just before and after the great fraud of the presidential election of 2020, these same people turned their backs on Mr. Trump and his family to gain notoriety and side with the Communist Democrats. Their names and former titles are listed.
While many have intense hate for President trump, there are many more public figures whose hate goes beyond comprehension. These 'people' have psychosomatic illnesses that are similar to lifetime criminals without compassion or conscience. This is a partial list of their exact quotes. The quotes are criminal in nature and they should be noted as dangerous people.
Scary picture of the ID from a science fiction movie called
"Forbidden Planet."
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