Al Sharpton
net worth: $500,000, says Celebrity Net Worth
Reverend Al Sharpton
is a well-known civil rights activist who is the founder and
president of Harlem, New York-based nonprofit National Action
Network (NAN). NAN has grown to over 47 chapters in the U.S., reads
Sharpton’s bio on NAN’s website.
Charles Stanley
net worth: $1.5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Religious leader
Charles Stanley
is best known for founding In Touch Ministries and writing some
New York Times best sellers, reads the bio on In Touch
Ministries’ website. Stanley, originally from Dry Fork, Virginia,
founded In Touch Ministries in 1977.
R.C. Sproul
net worth: $2 million, according to
Herald Weekly
That’s Dr.
R.C. Sproul
to you, buddy. The Doctor founded Ligonier Ministries in 1971,
founding pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Florida, and first
president of Reformation Bible College. Sproul also has more than
one HUNDRED books to his name.
Mark Driscoll
net worth: $2.5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Mark Driscoll
was a non-practicing Catholic when he received a “a nice Bible” from
a young woman named Grace. After reading that particularly nice
Bible in college, Driscoll became born-again, reads the bio on his
N.T. Wright
net worth: $4 million, according to Herald Weekly
“Bishop Wright, has in a very gentle way, unwound some of the errors
that we as Christians have gotten [into] our heads over the past
2000 years,” reads the biography on the website where you find
N.T. Wright’s
Jack Van Impe
net worth: $2.5 million, according to Herald Weekly
Jack Van Impe
is known as a televangelist. On the website for Jack Van Impe
Ministries International, you can watch his TV program’s archives to
your heart’s content. On the show, he and co-host (and wife) Dr.
Rexella Van Impe sit in a newsroom-like set.
Clifton Davis
net worth: $3 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Before becoming minister of an interdenominational ministry, Clifton
Davis wrote the Jackson 5 hit, “Never Can Say Goodbye” in 1971. (Say
what?!) David was involved with other musical efforts like Broadway
musicals and hosting the Stellar Awards Gospel Music Show.
Tony Campolo
net worth: $4 million, according to
Herald Weekly
Anthony “Tony” Campolo
is a professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University and
formerly a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, reads the
biography of the religious leader on his website. He used to lead
the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education.
Joseph Prince
net worth: $5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Joseph Prince
of Joseph Prince Ministries teaches the good word with best-selling
books like The Power of Right Believing, Destined To
Reign, and Unmerited Favor, and his broadcast gospel.
The bio on his website says his broadcast reaches millions.
Paula White-Cain
net worth: $5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Evangelist Paula White-Cain (probably better known as Paula White)
is pastor of a nondenominational, multicultural megachurch by the
name of New Destiny Christian Center (say that three times fast!) in
Orlando, Florida. White-Cain is successful now but she had a tough
Noel Jones
net worth: $5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Born in Spanish Town, Jamaica, Noel Jones is a Pentecostal bishop
with an estimated net worth of $5 million, according to Celebrity
Net Worth. He was one of seven children and relocated to Syracuse,
New York, with some of his family in 1965.
John Hagee
net worth: $5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
John Hagee
isn’t the only Hagee involved in the Cornerstone Church in San
Antonio, Texas — it’s a family affair. John is founder and senior
pastor of Cornerstone, his son Matt partners with his dad in
pastoring, and John’s wife Diana leads the women’s ministries.
Joyce Meyer
net worth: $8 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Joyce Meyer’s
website says she has an honorary Ph.D. from Life Christian
University, an honorary doctorate from Oral Roberts University, and
an honorary degree from Grand Canyon University. (Wish I knew I
could get honorary degrees before racking up student loans
Juanita Bynum
net worth: $10 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Many preachers on our list of insanely rich religious leaders can
preach and write. But it’s unclear if they can sing like
Juanita Bynum
can. Bynum is known not only as a preacher and an author but also as
a gospel singer.
Ernest Angley
net worth: $15 million, says
The Richest
Internationally known televangelist
Ernest Angley
is the pastor and founder of Grace Cathedral with locations in both
Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, Ohio. Like a lot of individuals in the
religious world, Angley’s storied career in preaching is rife with
T.D. Jakes
net worth: $18 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Bishop T.D. Jakes, who leads The Potter’s House Church, is also an
accomplished author. He keeps reminding his parishioners of that,
too. Jakes encourages his 30,000 members to purchase his books, as
well as his daughter’s.
Jakes founded the church in 1996. Based in
Dallas, Texas, Jakes expanded the church at a cost of $45 million.
It was completed in 2000, and by 2010, expanded to four campuses in
Dallas, Fort Worth, North Dallas, and Denver.
Kirk Cameron
net worth: $20 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Kirk Cameron
was first known to audiences as an actor on Growing Pains,
Saving Christmas, Mercy Rule, Fireproof, and
as cohost of The Way of the Master. He’s also worked on
documentaries Unstoppable and Monumental. He says
he wasn’t raised as a churchgoer.
Rick Warren
net worth: $25 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Rick Warren
(or just “Pastor Rick” for short) was integral in the founding of
both Saddleback Church and Saddleback, founded in Lake
Forest, California, has grown to 30,000 weekly attendees, says
Warren’s bio on his website.
Benny Hinn
net worth: $60 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Benny Hinn
is another one of these televangelists. He’s got plenty of books, TV
programs, a website chock-full of resources, and even an app.
(Technology now aids in worship!) Benny Hinn, born in Israel, moved
to Canada in 1968.
Joel Osteen
net worth: $100 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Osteen gave up his $200,000 annual salary from Lakewood Church,
instead relying on book royalties. Despite this, he still has a
whopping estimated net worth of $100 million. Also, he lives in a
massive home worth over $10 million.
Victoria Osteen
net worth: $100 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Like her husband Joel,
Victoria Osteen
grew up with religious parents that were involved in the ministry,
reads her bio on Joel Osteen’s website. Her mother taught Sunday
school and her father was a deacon. She’d often help her father with
the service.
Kanye West
net worth: $240 million and $1 billion, says
Business Insider
So yes it’s a bit controversial (just like Kanye himself) but the
artist has been doing “Sunday Services,” an event that wife
Kim Kardashian West
describes as “a very spiritual Christian experience.” “It’s honestly
more like a healing experience for my husband,” she told Elle
Kenneth Copeland
net worth: $300 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Kenneth Copeland
is known as a televangelist — Christian ministers that appear and
preach on television and usually ask for donations. On the website
of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Copeland’s bio says he and wife
Gloria have preached for nearly 52 years.