History of the Democrats
Those that forget History
People who live in fear
Top Ten Things Done to our Country by Democrats. 1. Turned down President Lincoln's authority of the constitution and started the civil war. 2. After loosing the war, started the Klu Klux Klan and continued to terrorize the black community of the south. 3. Prior to the start of World War One, created an unchecked money reserve and the great depression of the thirties started. 4. Prior to the start of World War Two, President Roosevelt refused to allow Jews from Germany to take refuse in America and turned them around back to be slaughtered by the Nazis. In addition, had Japanese Americans removed from their homes and businesses to internment camps. White German Americans were excluded. 5. President Roosevelt instructed many universities to not allow black students admission by requiring pictures of their faces to be included on their applications. 6. President Kennedy allowed the Russians to place many nuclear weapons in Cuba while he was having an affair with Marylyn Monroe. Only after he was advised of the danger, October 22, 1962, did he take action. On the following Thursday the Defense Condition went to Defense Condition TWO (war is eminent.) We came very close to total nuclear war with the Russians. 7. President Kennedy declared war on Viet Nam, calling it a police action. Over 60,000 young Americans, mostly males, died for what? In addition 2700 airman were captured with 2000 tortured to death. Only 700 made it back after the war ended. 8. President Johnson turned the healthy Social Security fund to merge with the general fund and has been loosing money ever since causing Social Security to be lost in the near future. 9. Obama, not born in America, becomes a false President and attacked our country with the following. Spied on Americans using the IRS, armed Isis, gave Iran billions in cash, covered up Benghazi, and sold Russia twenty percent of our Uranium. Obama now lives in a 15 million dollar house in an all white neighborhood. In addition, has two other million dollar houses. 10. Then comes the unspeakable, the Biden crime family. A true traitor selling out to the Taliban. We don't have enough space here to list all of his treachery. He was controlled by Obama and has escaped true justice. Our question to ask, name one thing the
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