Movie About Wearing Masks (Short Movie 1:00)
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Candace Owens
The COVID-19 vaccines were NEVER effective…
and now, we have cold, hard proof:
New data shows the Pfizer vaccine is only 45%
effective after 6 months… against any COVID-19
A leaked video shows a top Pfizer
scientist admitting that vaccines
are vastly inferior compared to natural
Sweden halted Moderna shots for
people under 30 because it causes major
heart problems,
U.S. COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing to
their highest peaks EVER… even though
the majority of Americans have been
Meanwhile, the Left is ignoring the science to
create a tyrannical apartheid state…
…where anyone who dares to question their
authority is fired from
their jobs, stripped of
their freedom of movement, denied healthcare,
and barred from
participating in society.
This only ends in one of two ways, Friend. Either
the far-Left wins their war on America… or patriots
like you and me do. |

Not wearing a Mask?Speakers up, you may
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As the Communist takeover
more and more, requiring wearing of masks and mandatory
vaccinations, such as universities, airlines, and Communistic
states, you may have a legal option. If you have a trace of Native
American blood from your parents, you may be exempt from such
hysteria. Since the alleged medical authorities have NEVER tested
the effects of the Wuhan Virus (Covid-19)
on Native Americans, this requirement is
unlawful, obscene,
disgusting and morally offensive,
especially through an apparent total disregard for others' rights or
natural justice. This may apply to other nationalities.
You may have
to consult with Elizabeth Warren,
who is 1/1024 Native American, for
information on how to verify your heritage to Native Americans.
