Did you know that the Communist Red China Virus, politely known
as Covid-19, may have been formulated by Fauci and his Wuhan Chinese buddies. No
wonder Fauci knows all about the plague. He spent over three and one half
million U.S. tax dollars to help develop the virus. And to what end, to decimate
the world population, and to be on Fox news.
No wonder he can't make up his mind about wearing masks or not,
because he knows that masks cannot prevent the virus from coming in through a
persons eye sockets. Notice that health professionals wear full face protective

Lots of money has been made by face masks designers.
Now Dr. Doom says that the useless face masks may be needed
until 2022.
Did you know that most masks are made in China!
Patriot, We have been saying it for
months: Fauci is a complete fraud.
He lied about masks. He lied about school
closures. Now he’s lying about whether or not he funded the gain of
function research that led to the COVID-19.
HINT: He did.

Biden is in, Fauci turned his back on President Trump. His wife is on the
Board of Directors of the CDC. Why hasn't he been investigated by the FBI?
Now we know why she doesn't want to use her married last name.
Similar to the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens!
Mr. and Mrs. Wuhan!

Even the CDC director believes Dr. Doom's "science."

Trying to cover his tracks!
Update from Fox News May 23, 2021: Fauci now admits he
worked with the Wuhan lab at tax payers expense.

May 26, 2021

Want to bet!

This man should be in prison for lying to the American
Here's what we know:
Fauci knew the virus probably originated
from a lab leak in Wuhan.
Fauci knew school-aged children were not
at risk, though he continued to advocate for closed schools.
He told colleagues that masks you can buy
in a store will do NOTHING to prevent the spread of the virus.
He ignored the best advice from
scientists in his own field in favor of fear mongering and theatrics,
And Friend, that's just the half of it. There are
2,000 emails proving Fauci chose his own ego over the facts. Over and over
again. |

Merry Christmas --
NOT! Fox News October 14, 2021
Have you seen this??? “Dr.”
Anthony Fauci said that we shouldn’t be seeing our families over the holidays
because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fauci has been dreaming of this moment all his life. He’s gotten a taste for
power, and he just won’t let go. Patriot, when will it end?? Fauci and his
cronies are dead set on keeping Americans home and destroying our national
economy. It’s

This has
already ended dumb ass.

Needs to consult with his Wuhan buddies about this
unforeseen virus.

Isn't it amazing that not one person died of a heart
pneumonia, COPD, diabetes, cancer, dementia, high blood pressure,
the flu, suicides, traffic accidents, or many of the other diseases?
October 19 2021
And so the cookie starts to crumble...
Daylight killers...
The masks begin to fall off!
"The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxosmithkline,
which (accidentally) owns Pfizer!" (the one who makes the vaccine
against the virus which was (accidentally) started at the Wuhan
Biological Lab and which was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who
(accidentally) promotes the vaccine!
"GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) managed by the finance division of
Black Rock, which (accidentally) manages the finances of the Open
Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (accidentally) manages the
French AXA! "Soros (accidentally) owns the German company Winterthur,
which (accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought
by the German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a
shareholder, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock," which
(coincidentally) controls central banks and manages about a third of
global investment capital.
"Black Rock" is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT,
owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer
(which - remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now
the first sponsor of the 'WHO!
Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has
infected the WHOLE PLANET! ""
quickly before the various Communist partners attempt to stop this
information. |

Once again,
it amazing that not one person died of a heart attack,
pneumonia, COPD, diabetes, cancer, dementia, high blood pressure,
the flu, suicides, traffic accidents, or many of the other diseases?
Latest Fauci B___ll S___

"According to my Wuhan buddies, its OK because the vaccinations only last for a
few months."

Mask conceals his s____ eating grin.

Forth shot? How about a shot every six months from now on?
YEP! They must have taken the above advice.

And the shots just keep coming.

What did you

What about the pills? How do you get a "pill" booster?

Another Fauci prediction? Just in from the Wuhan labs!

"The nations top infectious disease expert"; I wouldn't
go to him for an ingrown toenail!
Don't forget that Fauci's wife is on the board of directors of the CDC. What a

Center for Deception and Corruption

If Fauci can torture Beagles, he can use biowarfare. Good

Fauci is now selling several different mugs with different poses
of his face. What a TERRIBLE gift this would make! Imagine having your first cup
of coffee in the morning and bringing a picture of Fauci up NEAR your lips.

Alternate Mask (46 second video)Speakers up, you may
have to click on the start button.
For full picture, click on lower right hand side of picture.
Click 'Back' on your browser when finished viewing.

My mask suppliers are cutting back my profits.

As the Communist takeover
more and more, requiring wearing of masks and mandatory
vaccinations, such as universities, airlines, and Communistic
states, you may have a legal option. If you have a trace of Native
American blood from your parents, you may be exempt from such
hysteria. Since the alleged medical authorities have NEVER tested
the effects of the Wuhan Virus (Covid-19)
on Native Americans, this requirement is
unlawful, obscene,
disgusting and morally offensive,
especially through an apparent total disregard for others' rights or
natural justice. This may apply to other nationalities.
You may have
to consult with Elizabeth Warren, who is 1/1024 Native American, for
information on how to verify your heritage to Native Americans.

Found a true antidote to get rid of a real disease. |